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02:00  Meeting of Ibero-American Researchers Network History of Psychology (RIPeHP)

16:00  Credentialing

18:00  Opening ceremony

Ruy Garcia Marques - Rector of UERJ

Marcia Maria Peruzzi Elia Mota - Director of the Institute of Psychology at UERJ

Wladimir Ferreira de Souza - Chief of the Department of Social and Institutional Psychology at UERJ

Anna Paula Uziel - Coordinator of the Graduate Program in Social Psychology at UERJ

Ana Maria Jacob-Vilela - Coordinator of Clio-Psyché - History Laboratory and Memory Psicologia 18: 30

18:00  Opening Conference

Hugo Vezzetti (University of Buenos Aires).

Coordination: Fernando Lacerda Jr. (UFG)

18:00  Cocktail hour

New Clio-Psyché headquarters inauguration.

Wednesday, November 9th.

Thursday, November 10th.

09:00  Coordinated Sessions

11:00  Searching in the History of Psychology - Undergraduate and postgraduate students meeting

12:00  Lunch

14:00  Symposium "Sexual diversity, history, psychology"

Marina Nucci (IMS / UERJ)

Ramón León (University Ricardo Palma, Lima)

Coordination: Giorgia Morgese (Sapienza University, Rome)

15:30  Coffee with the authors

16:30  Coffee break

17:00  Symposium "Clio and Psyche: 20 years of education and research in the history of psychology" - "Psychology and their margins: discussing race, childhood and school"

Hildeberto Vieira Martins (UFF)

Karina Pereira Pinto (UESC)

Leila de Andrade Oliveira (SMS - Rio de Janeiro)

Coordination: Ana Maria Jacob-Vilela (UERJ)

16:30   Adhesion dinner

09:00  Coordinated Sessions

11:00  Symposium "Ethnic minorities, subjectivity, history"

Maria Aparecida Bento (CEERT)

Alexandre de Carvalho Castro (CEFET-RJ)

Coordination: José Ribamar Bessa (EDU / UERJ)

12:30  Lunch

14:00  Symposium "Childhood, history, psychology"

Hugo Klappenbach (National University of San Luis)

Giovannipietro Lombardo (Sapienza University, Rome)

Coordination: Rodrigo Miranda (UCDB, Campo Grande)

15:30  Coffee break

16:30  Coordinated Sessions

18:00  Closing Conference: Theme 3 - Gender and sexuality

Ana Maria Talak (National University of La Plata)

Coordination: Cristiana Facchinetti (FIOCRUZ)

Friday, November 11th.

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