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Axis 1 – History of psychological objects, theories and practices.

This axis aims to discuss the historical construction of psychological objects, as well as the methods, techniques and practices (disciplinary, scientific and/or professional) of Psy knowledge (Psychology, Psychiatry and Psychoanalysis). Are expected works related to social history, intellectual history or conceptual history of sciences in different time periods and locations.

Axis 2 - History of psychology, cultural contexts and contemporaneity.

This axis favors historiographical works that discuss emerging themes in the field of Psychology (gender issues; race; ethnicity; social class; sexuality). Thus, it is intended to produce a critical reflection around Psy knowledge and practices, discussing the reception, diffusion and circulation of psychological knowledge in certain sociocultural scenarios. It also aims to discuss the role of Psychology in formulating these new themes in a pluralistic context (cultural and political) from a local or decolonial perspective, as well as historical narratives of the present time.

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